Schönower Park and Heinrich-Laehr-Park

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After a “successful” check-up (two years and eight months cancer free – and boob-free, but you can’t have everything) with my invaluable gynecologist, Dr Ursina Heil (who shares offices with my equally invaluable GP, Dr Thomas Heil) in Halensee, on a tip from Agata, a fellow bird nerd, and bridge buddy.

My main purpose was to finally get a decent photo of a Green Woodpecker/Grünspecht, which has become my Achilles’ Heel. The first couple of years in Berlin, I never saw any, and after I started seeing them from time to time, I have ever only managed really bad photos of them. Recently, I have been to places where, alledgedly, there should be several of them, but not seen any, and today was no exception, but I got lucky in other ways.

I started in Schönower Park, where there was a loud party, so I only photographed some of those invasive beasts – Mandarin Ducks – and a small section of the John F. Kennedy School.

Further south in Heinrich-Laehr Park, I had the priviledge of coming up close and personal with a Goshawk/Habicht, disturbing him in a freshly slaughtered meal of what I assume used to be a pigeon.

Other results: A Great Spotted Woodpecker/Buntspecht, what I think was a Redwing/Rotdrossel, and a cute, singing Robin/Rotkehlchen.

Opportunities to play bridge in English in Berlin in the first half of 2025

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Last updated: 24 March PM. Will be changed and updated regularly.

During the weeks where for one reason or the other there is no bridge course at VHS, we can play occasionally at my place. Where nothing else is stated, we aim at arrivals from 18.15, ready to start playing at 18.30, but for those who can only come later, that is also OK. We’ll start playing as soon as enough people have arrived.

Playing privately is a good opportunity for newcomers to get an introduction to the game, to the teacher, and to the rest of us without committing to a ten-session course rightaway. Some very basic prior knowledge is an advantage but not a requirement

The current VHS courses are coming to an end within the next couple of weeks.


The occasional opportunities to play bridge privately in the weeks where VHS is closed, are marked with *** below.

PLEASE feel free to start letting me know if this is of interest. So far, I have heard from nobody, and I do have a life to plan ….. :-). I have already had to delete three options (9, 22 and 23 April) since the last update.

***Week 15: We can play at my place Thursday 10 April. So far, RC is available.

***Week 16: (!! Easter !! – Friday 18 April is Good Friday). As far as I am concerned, we can play Thursday 17 (RC and AD available) or Friday 18 (RC available), or if there is interest, Saturday 19 (RC and TP available) or Sunday 20 April (TP available).

***Week 17: 21 April is Easter Monday. As far as I am concerned, we can play on 21 April (TP available) or 22 April (RC available).

***Week 18: There can be no bridge at my place, unfortunately.

Week 19: New courses starting, now available for registration: Course starting Wednesday 7 May here, and course starting Friday 9 May here.

The best ways to keep informed are

Comments? Questions? Attending the private bridge evenings at my place but don’t know my address yet? E-mail me here.

Exhibitions to visit

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Purely as a reminder to myself, since Microsoft Word no longer synchronises documents edited on several different devices.

FromTillNameAddress and/or commentsOpening hours
MARCHEuropean Month of Photography EMOP
ArtʼUs Collectorsʼ Collective c/o HAUNT
Kluckstraße 23 A
10785 Berlin

Mi14–18 Uhr
Do14–18 Uhr
Fr14–18 Uhr
Sa14–18 UhrSogeschlossen
Die Abschlussausstellung des Seminars von Anne Schönharting

27.03.-30.03.2025 im Kunstraum Kreuzberg (@kunstraumkreuzberg), Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin
Eröffnung am 27.03. um 19 Uhr

Mit Arbeiten von:
Florian Bolk (@florianbolk)
Stefan Fröhlich (@stefan_froehlich_photo)
Jannes Jaeger (@jannes.jaeger)
Sibylle Kölmel (@sibyllekoelmel)
Benjamin Meinberg (@benjaminmeinberg)
Andy Plötz (@un.art_images)
Suzanne Reichenbach (@_suz_anne)
Lisa Schulz (@itsleecee)
Annett Stenzel (
APRILMany EMOP exhibitions continue Lüdde
06.04.Deutsches Historisches Museum Hinter dem Gießhaus
12.04.Galerie Max Hetzler Potsdamer Str. 77–87, Tiergarten, Di–Sa 11–18 Uhr,, bis 12.4.
19.04.Galerie Anahita Sadighi
20.04.Museum für Photographie Braunschweig Di – Fr 13 – 18 Uhr, Sa + So 11 – 18 Uhr GrunenbergKantstraße
27.04.Willy Brandt Haus
27.04.Brotfabrik Galerie (Photo Noir)
MAYMany EMOP exhibitions continue 36  
04.05.n.b.k. (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein) Chausseestr. 128/ 129, Mitte, Di–So 12–18 Uhr, Do 12–20 Uhr,, bis 4.5., Finissage-Wochenende Fr, 3.5., 20 Uhr, Sa 4.5., 14-16 Uhr
04.05.Akademie d.K. Hanseatenweg
04.05.Alte Feuerwache (EMOP) Marchiewskistr. Fr.hain. Koschmieder Thu+Fri 14-18Oranienstr.
 02.05 04.05.Gallery Weekendühlingsrundgang Spinnerei LeipzigGoing 4 May with JC and perhaps a few more
04.05.Access Kafka, Jewish Museum (PERHAPS – right now anything that even remotely evokes thoughts of Israel makes my skin crawl and I even feel like taking a detour in order to avoid walking straight past that place a few steps away from my home – not rational, but there it is). Berlin, Chemnitz
25.05.Friedrichshain Photo Gallery
01.06.Bucerius Kunstforum planned in connection with trip to Hamburg (course with Blende2) and Bremerhaven 12 to 16 April
16.06.Berlinische Galerie Alte Jakobstr. 124–128, Kreuzberg, Mi–Mo 10–18 Uhr, 10/6 €, bis 18 J. + Geflüchtete frei,, bis 16.6.
22.06.Stiftung Volksbank Tue-Sun 10.00-18.00
29.06.Wolfgang Tillmans in Albertinum Dresden Art Week Kunsthalle Hamburg
26.09.2525.01.26Netzwerke der Surrealismus, Neue Nationalgalerie
September 25January 26William KentridgeDresden and Essen

Birdwatching walk on Pfaueninsel

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With Frank Wissing from NABU Bezirksgruppe Mitte.

I don’t like peacocks, and luckily we did not really come across many. However, there were a couple of “firsts” for me (first seen, first photographed).

We also saw several birds of prey/Greifvögel – a couple of Buzzards, a Western marsh harrier/Rohrweihe, a Red Kite/Rotmilan, and two White-tailed Eagles/Seeadler. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get any good photos of any of those. Also on the island a lot of Greylags/Graugans.

First, while waiting for the bus from S Wannsee to the Pfaueninsel Ferry (218 – goes hourly), this Blackcap/Mönchgrasmücke  was singing (I had seen one before but never managed to photograph):

Once on the island, my first efter Chiffchaff/Zilpzalp:

And my first Marsh Tit/Sumpfmeise:

And some Goosander/Gänsesäger (which I may have seen before, but never photographed):

Other photos:

And finally, the island seems to have a resident fox:

Animal portraits at Berlin Zoo

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(In view of my ressistance to make human portraits ……)

In my opinion the most hyped and overrated animal in the world. All they do is eat and contemplate their big, and growing, bellies (much like some …. well, never mind) and they can’t even be bothered to have sex. This set of twins, and the last one about four years ago, in Berlin Zoo, came about by way of artificial insemination:

Some more birds:

I also like hoofstock …..

….. and almost all other animals:

A walk across my local cemetery on my way to my local LPG supermarket

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Decided to photograph some of the more common, usual suspects which I normally do not bother to photograph. And good to see that the supply of material for my series “garbage disposal Berlin-style” is never-ending and that the pigeons were eyeing my balcony when I got back just in time to avert the start of a new nest.

Short walk with VHS Zehlendorf on Zehlendorf Cemetery

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Just a star looking a bit lost, a song thrush, and another of those stupid balloons.

Birdwatching Britzer Garten 16 March

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After yesterday’s disappointment when it was raining in Friedrichshagen at the time when the Volkshochschule birdwatching walk at Müggelsee was due to start, it was nice to wake up to gorgeous weather for this Sunday walk, led by always knowledgeable Bernd Steinbrecher of Freilandlabor Britz.

It was a lovely walk with a couple of – for me – new faces, and without the usual gang of incessant yackers.

Halle/Saale mid-March

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Main purpose: Visit this exhibition on surrealism in Kunsthalle Talstraße.

Had hoped for better weather and more nature photography.

Halle Saale Busbahnhof:

Back in Berlin, two birds, and someone multi-tasking on my local playground.

And the next morning, some really bad photos of the lunar event 14 March:

Tadka Dhal

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serves 4

300g (101/2oz) dried toor dhal (yellow lentils/yellow split peas), washed in several changes of water
1 tsp ground turmeric
2 black cardamom pods (optional)
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cinnamon sticks
4 green cardamom pods
6 cloves
2 tsp black mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 spring onions, finely sliced
2–3 chillies, any colour, deseeded if you don’t like it fiery, some chopped and the rest left whole
2 fat garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tbsp peeled and finely chopped fresh root ginger
6 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
good pinch of salt, or to taste
1 tsp sugar, or to taste
juice of 1/2 lemon, or to taste
lots of chopped fresh coriander, to garnish

Gently boil the lentils in a large saucepan of cold water (around 1 litre /13/4 pints will do) and stir in the turmeric and black cardamom pods (if using) – this will add a subtle smoky flavour.

Allow to cook for around 45 minutes, or until the lentils have softened and started to break down. Skim off any foam that sits on the top and give the lentils a stir every now and again in case they begin to stick on the bottom. If they boil dry, add more water.

Once the lentils have softened, turn down the heat and make the tadka. Gently heat the oil in a frying pan and add the cinnamon sticks, green cardamom pods and cloves. When the cardamoms have turned white and the heads of the cloves have swollen, you are ready to stir in the mustard and cumin seeds. When they are sizzling, stir in the spring onions, chillies, garlic and ginger.

After a minute, stir through the tomatoes and turn off the heat. Pour the tadka into the dhal so that it floats on top. This is the traditional way to serve it, with the scented oil sitting on top, but I prefer to stir it through. Season with salt, sugar and lemon juice.

Finally, stir through plenty of chopped fresh coriander and serve with some rice or fresh bread for the ultimate comfort food.

The life of a Danish pensioner in Berlin