Trying to ignore the risk of contagion, escaping the domestic nightmares with the neighbours from Hell and nonsense with the Hausverwaltung.
A very pleasant town, only a good hour by regional train from Berlin, bigger than I thought, with lakes and canals and a river. Like in Berlin, too many private cars, also in the “no car zones”. Several churches, and towers that used to be part of the medieval wall system.
Above: “Loriot’s Dogs“. When Vicco von Bühlow died, a German satirist also known as ‘Loriot’, who was born right here in Brandenburg an der Havel, the city decided to honor him this way.
The Nazi euthanasia programme (T4) was coordinated in Berlin, in Tiergartenstraße 4, on the spot where there is now a memorial, just outside the Philharmonic, Tiergarten entrance.
More than 9.000 of the actual murders took place in Brandenburg an der Havel, where there is now a memorial/information centre.
Good feature films on the subject: Nebel im August, and Werk ohne Autor.
Museum im Freyhaus und im Steintorturm
Evangelical Rectory St. Catherine
And finally, there alledgedly also a National Archaological Museum there, but I was unable to find it (?????).