For two people, or for one, preserving half the portion for the next day, to reheat, perhaps panfried into a small, thick pancake, the day after, topped with the rest of the compote, cold or reheated.
For the porridge:
3 dl coconut drink (the kind that comes in 1 l cartons, which you would use instead of milk, for example in your coffee – not the thick stuff that comes in tins)
125 g millet (could also be oats, amaranth, or quinoa, or a mixture). Here I have used a mixture of amaranth, millet and oats
1 tsp vanilla paste
1 small tsp cinnamon powder
1 heaped tsp cocoa powder (optional)
A tiny pinch of salt
For the compote:
200 g fruit and/or berries, fresh or frozen, here a mixure of blueberries and blackberries
Sugar, e.g. coconut flower sugar, to taste
To be stirred into the porridge just before serving:
2 tblsp desiccated coconut or coconut flakes
Heat up coconut drink, millet/all grains, vanilla extract, cinnamon and salt (and cocoa powder if using), and let simmer, stirring frequently, for 15 to 20 minutes.
Gently heat the fruit/berries and sugar to a compote.
Stir the desiccated or flaked coconut into the millet and serve topped by the compote.
I also like to top with a dollop of goat yoghurt, but that’s perhaps just me.