Naturpark Südgelände with Berliner Wanderclub

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Another walk organised by Joachim Wenzel, originally approx. 14 km from Priesterweg through Park am Gleisdreieck (which I know well), along the Spree to S Bahnhof Tiergarten. However, it was drizzling a bit too much for my liking, so I stopped at Südkreuz and went home.

Also, I am still debating with myself whether BWC is for me. They take many, and long, breaks, even on a 10-15 km walk. I am always astonished to see how they seem to need at least one meal, some two, in between breakfast and lunch. I am not sure I have the patience for that in the long run.

Here is a link to today’s short walk on mapmywalk.

But I was reminded how I really ought to visit Naturpark Südgelände more often. It is not far from my home. There is a lovely nature trail and a lot of new educational material has been added since last time I was there.

There is also a sculpture park and a café. The latter is only open from April to October.