My neighbours drew my attention to this website that lists foods good and bad for breast cancer “after care”, since I am trying to live as healthily as possible in order to avoid recurrence (also trying not to be paranoid or hypocondriac …..):,brustkrebsnachsorge102.html.
There are also a lot of recipes which look really good.
It is no wonder that former patients are confused with all the conflicting information we get. In most cases, most of the scientific community agree on most things, but the jury is still out when it comes to for example soy products, dairy and spices, especially in cases where, like me, someone had hormone-positive breast cancer.
In this NDR list, chicken and dairy products are OK, whereas in other sites, they are not. In the case of dairy products, it is said that milk from cows, and products based on milk from cows, should definitely be avoided because often, the cows from which the milk is taken are pregnant, and therefore the milk will be full of estrogen. Hmmm. In any case, I have always believed that cows milk was for children up to the age of about four and the no longer, but I do love cheese ….. What’s a girl to do when science gives out such conflicting messages?