Homemade cashew nut yoghurt

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On public demand – despite the many recipes on-line – here is a description of exactly what I do:

One bag of Rewe’s bio cashew nuts soaks in distilled water for a whole day or a whole night (min eight hours).

Tap water cannot be used. The first couple of times I tried, I thought it was nonsense when I read that it has to be “filtered” water, which I take to mean anything other than tap water. So I used tap water, and then I could not understand why the substance did not ferment.

That changed when I started using distilled water.

After soaking and draining, I blend the cashew nuts with enough water, and long enough, to result in a thick-ish, creamy mass which I then transfer to a pot together with a little bit of extra distilled water whizzed around the blender in order not to waste anything.

I heat the cashew nut milk slowly till it comes to a slow boil, stirring constantly since it burns on the bottom very easily. Once it has bubbled up, I transfer it, still stirring, to a porcelain bowl, and keep stirring occasionally to avoid it drawing skin.

Once it has come to room temperature, I add a little bit of yoghurt from the previous batch. (The first time I made it, I used a starter powder which can be found in ecological supermarkets). Stir well. Cover with cling film, and leave at room temperature for 12-24 hours.

The yoghurt is ready when the surface starts to crack and it seems to be alive when you start stirring it. Stir and transfer to the lidded container or containers in which you want to keep the yoghurt refridgerated. Remember to set aside a little bit as a starter for the next batch.