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On days where it fits in with other activities, I combine breakfast and lunch, usually with a big salad mid morning. The fancy word for that is intermittent fasting. I just call it skipping breakfast.

But on days where I need to eat breakfast, for example when going out for a long(-ish) walk starting relatively early in the day, I often like something with oats, for example overnight oats, as long as they have been enhanced with healthy and flavourful ingredients and are not too sweet. It is practical since it has to be prepared the night before.

For breakfast this morning, I had prepared these in the following way:

For two servings (two persons, or two days, as it will easily keep for another night):

Soak two tblsp chia seeds and two tblsp black sesame seeds in water for a little while, stirring occasionally to prevent the chia seeds from clumping.

Add (EVERYTHING organic, of course):

200 g oats

50 g whole buckwheat

Grated peel of one orange (this especially MUST be organic)

2 tsp cacao – the real, clean stuff, not cocoa: CACAO

2 tsp baobap powder (optional, adds health but not a lot of flavour)

2 tblsp tahin

One pinch salt

One pinch cardamon

1 tsp cinnamon (Ceylon – NOT cassia)

1 tsp ginger powder

One half tsp turmeric

One grated carrot

2 tblsp nuts, chopped, I used hazelnuts this time

One pinch chili (optional – that is just me …..)

4 medjool dates, chopped, more if you like it really sweet

2 tblsp – and this is where I always get stuck – they are like tiny raisins, in Danish: Korender, in German Korinthen, and google does not know what they are in English :-). These too must be organic, otherwise they are waxed and disgusting.

250 dl milk or to your desired texture (I always use a plant milk, this time one with rice and hazelnuts).

Mix well and leave in the fridge overnight. Garnish with yoghurt (I always use a goat yoghurt), pumpkin seeds, berries – whatever you like and have available.