Munich and Karlsruhe February

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Day 1 train Berlin-Munich not without its glitches: Heating problems and – what else is new on DB – no coffee.

In the afternoon the exhibition on surrealism and antifascism, in Lenbachhaus. Surrealism is in my opinion by far the most interesting of all the -isms, most of which range from insipid and spineless to decorative and pretty and in many cases dull as ditchwater.

Also visiting Dachau on the same occasion.

Day 2 Dachau

Easily reached from the centre of Munich by public transport.

Before you ask, please see this post (scroll down a little).

Like an idiot, I left the camera card in my hotel room, so I only took some snapshots with my phone:

And some in idyllic Dachau centre, in stark contrast to what I am sure everybody knew about what was going on a mere three km away:

Day three train Munich-Karlsruhe and Art Karlsruhe.

I do love a big fat art fair, and this one never disappoints. I had forgotten how big it is, and that it actually merits a tro-day ticket. Perhaps next year ……

Added bonus: to spend a few nights in hotels with functioning heating systems, unlike the one in my own home.

Day four: Before returning to Berlin, I had planned on spending the last morning in Städtische Galerie, but the weather was suddenly spring-like, so I went to the zoo instead. (I had already had a view from my hotel room directly onto the Red Panda enclosure).

Apologies in advance for the overload of images (some of them abstracts) of the great white egret: