In progress
Berlinische Galerie, conveniently located basically in my backyard, has kindly organised three audiowalks in the neighbourhood.
Walk number one 21 March – some text will follow later
Not really mentioned in the audio, the newly refurbished Bessel Park is a neighbour of some of the buildings mentioned. Here are some photos, also of other, newer buildings surrounding it:
Walk number 2, 12 April
My route on Komoot: (I got cold and cheated a bit at the end).
Walk number 3, 28 March 2021
Some text will follow later.
My route on Komoot:
The walk starts on Mehringplatz which I have already photographed extensively in this post, and which is still being renovated.
Next stop also mentioned in this post I have also documented here:
I therefore went straight to the third stop in the audiowalk:
Not mentioned on the walk:
Also not mentioned in the Audio:
With the new U-Bahn station finished, we can again see all of Unter den Linden, all the way from Brandenburger Tor to Alexanderplatz:
Definitely not mentioned in the Audio: one of the many demos that usually take place in Berlin, especially on Sundays – this one for a car-free Berlin :-):
And finally, I just liked this: