Much as I love walking with a dog, walking is not enough for a dog like Max. He needs to run, off-leash, and also to socialise with other dogs.
In addition to our visits to the dog parks, having seen how much he enjoyed the initial getting-to-know-each-other trip with Frank of Instinkt&Intuition (and how much I enjoyed watching him sprint) I have therefore decided to leave him in the capable and loving hands of Frank twice a week, to be chauffeured (Max loves that – ironically, since I decided a long time ago to never again travel in a private car …..) to a place with no cars, e-rollers, bikes, or children on tricycles, where he can run around for 1,5 to 2 hours and play with a small group of dogs which he already knows (unlike in the dog parks where it is quite rare to meet the same dog more than once). Also, it will be good for both of us that he spends some time with a human other than me (and Alfred of justaskalfred for a couple of hours each week) so that it is not always just Max and me almost 24/7.
So from now on, our weekly daily-main-walk routine will look more or less like this – on some days subject to changes according to weather etc.:
Monday: Five to ten km, shorter walks in the neighbourhood in loops from home.
Tuesday: Max out frolicking with Frank and friends.
Wednesday: Ten to 15 km further afield, with public transport, alternatively visits to either Hasenheide or Gleisdreieck dog park.
Thursday: Max out frolicking with Frank and friends.
Friday: Dog park Tempelhofer Feld, by Herfurthstraße (walking there and back a total of almost ten km, plus the time Max runs around there).
Saturday: Ten to 15 km further afield, with public transport, alternatively visits to either Hasenheide or Gleisdreieck dog park.
Sunday: Dog park Tempelhofer Feld, by Tempelhofer Damm (walking there and back a total of almost ten km, plus the time Max runs around there).