As usual with NABU, an interesting hour walking around the area which is still up for development. We saw quite a few different birds, among them a hawk a couple of times, but I did not get any good photos.
On the way to Leinestraße U-Bahn station, one of the others showed me a tree where three owls were getting their beauty sleep. The were so well camouflaged that I would not have spotted them myself. The best photo I managed (still not good) was with my phone.
Also took some photos for my ongoing series on garbage in trees, and – close to home – started a new “project” on demotion sites, inspired by photos by Daniel Poller which I saw in Amtsalon the other day.
And finally, the white croci are in full bloom in Besselpark, starshaped, in honour of the astronomer after which the park is named: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784-1846).