As everyone knows, I don’t like taking photos of people, and when I do, the results are always awful, showing beyond a doubt that I don’t actually like people – as a species, I mean – I just don’t think we are particularly likeable, and definitely not attractive.
But here I am, attending a photography course in which an upcoming assignment will be about people in parks. The prospect is making me lose, if not quite the will to live, then at least to take my camera out anywhere at all, so I tried to come up with a venue that was at least a little bit interesting for other reasons than just photographing random strangers, in which I have no interest whatsoever. I thought for that purpose it might be interesting to visit Thai Park. (As it turned out, it wasn’t. I honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about, and the resulting photos are worse than ever.) I might call in sick for that class.
Anyway, it was one of those rare occurrences: decent weather, so I went to Thai park, taking some, also rather bad, photos of birds on the way.