Quick visit to Tierpark

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Soon to enter week four with symptoms of that scheißvirus which I am not going to dignify by calling it by its name (fever, headaches, blocked runny nose) – milder now, and of course nothing compared to what others have gone through and are still going through, but still exhausting and frustrating – with my wonderful cleaning help volunteering to come back – badly needed 🙂 – I had to make myself scarce, so I went to Tierpark in the hope of finally seeing some of the new offspring – the Amur tiger twins and the Binturong twins. I saw one of the Amur cubs and none of the Binturongs. There were three new camel kids on the block, and, it seemed to me, one on the doorstep. And lots and lots of Meerkat babies. Did not have the energy to visit the “Himalaya” area – normally my favourite – hopefully next time.