Current photography course assignment

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Street art, and/or autumn foliage, and/or ICM. A total of five photos to be submitted.

Despite the fact that I live in Berlin, with its endless amount of street art, I somehow do not think I will photograph any for this assignment.

As for autumn foliage, I’ll have to wait and see. So far, there is not that much of it around.

But ICM – I have done quite a lot of that, periodically, in recent years, and always find it fun, for a little while, until I don’t, and completely forget about it. But I am always happy when it come up as “homework” in a course.

Below are the results so far (to be continued for another couple of weeks) from which I will have to choose five photos:

Festival of Giant Kites, Tempelhofer Feld, 21 September:

Morning walk at Landwehrkanal/Urbanhafen 24 September:

Visit to Berlin Herbstrummel. Obviously a missing link in my cultural education, although it was a lot like a pre-Christmas fair:

My attempt to make a bundle of “pretty”, pastel-coloured prizes look creepy: