BREAKING NEWS: My next photo tour with Go2Know is to “Hubertusbad” 19 May 13.00 hrs, and there are still spots left for both the morning and the afternoon visit. Find it here.
Great photo tour. But I do find it a problem that there are usually no toilets in those places :-). I assume Go2Know (and other organised visitors) pay a fee to the locations, so you would think they could afford just one of those mobile toilets.
It turned out I had been there before, by chance, probably about five years ago, but back then, some unsavoury types, with some even more unsavoury dogs, seemed to be in residence, and the whole place seemed a lot more creepy than now with an organised group and permission and everything.
The weather was fantastic (it is a good thing I like shadows ….), and if my daily (post-)corona fatigue and headache had not kicked in after a couple of hours, I would probably have used all the allotted six hours there. Unusual for me – patience is not my Spitzenkompetenz.
It also turned out to be quite a good spot for bird (and goat) watching.
I did wonder a little bit why we needed to be let in, and receive a code for the lock to go back out. From all other sides, the area is open and completely accessible. I got talking to a couple of chaps who were flying drones there, for fun, and they said they just did that from time to time without any kind of permission from anybody.
Note: I am, as I often do, experimenting with B&W versus colour, and it may therefore seem that some photos are in duplicate. There is no need to draw my attention to that. Also, especially if I turn off commenting, there is not need to then e-mail meabout it instead. Just sayin’.