Category Archives: 2021 and earlier

Daytrip to Brandenburg an der Havel 29 July 2020

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Trying to ignore the risk of contagion, escaping the domestic nightmares with the neighbours from Hell and nonsense with the Hausverwaltung.

Brandenburg an der Havel.

A very pleasant town, only a good hour by regional train from Berlin, bigger than I thought, with lakes and canals and a river. Like in Berlin, too many private cars, also in the “no car zones”. Several churches, and towers that used to be part of the medieval wall system.

Brandenburg Cathedral

A café in a church – the new black – also in Berlin

Galatea und Tritonen Domlinden Brandenburg

Above: “Loriot’s Dogs“. When Vicco von Bühlow died, a German satirist also known as ‘Loriot’, who was born right here in Brandenburg an der Havel, the city decided to honor him this way. 

Old-Town City Hall

The Nazi euthanasia programme (T4) was coordinated in Berlin, in Tiergartenstraße 4, on the spot where there is now a memorial, just outside the Philharmonic, Tiergarten entrance.

More than 9.000 of the actual murders took place in Brandenburg an der Havel, where there is now a memorial/information centre.

Good feature films on the subject: Nebel im August, and Werk ohne Autor.

Museum im Freyhaus und im Steintorturm

Evangelical Rectory St. Catherine

And finally, there alledgedly also a National Archaological Museum there, but I was unable to find it (?????).

National Archaological Museum

Daytrip to Schwielowsee and the Japanese Bonsai Garden in Ferch 16 July 2020

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Tagesspiegel trip to the Kiel Canal – “125 Jahre Nord-Ostsee-Kanal”

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Organised by Der Tagesspiegel and M-Tours Live Reisen.

For the record, and posterity, and all that, the hygiene and distancing rules we have been sent are at the end of the post (in German).

Day 1 Bus from Berlin Central Station, arrival, and Wittensee

Upon arrival at the hotel (Hotel Wittensee Schützenhof), a guided walk through the town of Wittensee, and dinner.

Day 2 Kiel, Kiel Kanal, Rendsburg

Kiel is the seat of the Schleswig-Holstein state government and an Olympic, university and port city on a fjord.

With the historic paddle steamer Freya, from Kiel to Rendsburg along the Kiel Canal which is the most frequented man-made maritime shipping route in the world and connects the North Sea with the Baltic Sea. Alledgedly, almost three times as many ships as on the Panama and Suez Canals.

Holtenau Lock. Tour of Rendsburg. St. Marienkirche, old town market and town hall.

But first, a pre-breakfast walk.

The lock:

First impressions at the end of day two:

What was I thinking? Why did I not cancel?

Masking and distancing rules are not being complied with at all.

Already in Berlin, several people were allowed on the bus without masks, and are consistently refusing to wear them. No reaction to that from neither the driver nor the guide. The guide mostly does not wear his when interacting with us in and on the way in and out of the bus.

During meals at the hotel (so far, dinner last night and breakfast this morning) we sit far too close to each other for my comfort (i.e. as if everything were back to normal), and the staff who serve food and drinks are not wearing masks, and not keeping any kind of distance at all but speaking straight into our faces. I feel very uneasy and am not very hungry (that is the upside of everything :-)). The Riesling goes down very well, though.

Breakfast is a buffet (unlike what was described in the programme), and people are mostly unmasked and not following the “one-way” signs, in short, ambling around the buffet area, chatting (i.e. spewing droplets on the food). Yuck. There are two other bus-fulls of people presumably also from other German states.

On the boat today, there were way too many people in my opinion, and the numbers were definitely not reduced, unlike what we had been promised), and I gave up sitting with the rest at the tables allocated to us for the buffet lunch since it was indoors on the lower deck, too cramped and with no air.

We keep hearing that “here in Schleswig-Holstein, the rules are not so strict” and therefore bus-fulls of tourists from other areas, such as Berlin, are apparently believed to have miraculously lost any contagion which they may have carried with them, the second they entered Schleswig-Holstein (?????), and can therefore drop the precautions and measures in force where we came from.

So apparently, we have all misunderstood something when travel restrictions were implemented? Is the fact really that when you travel from a more affected area to a less affected area, you immediately become less likely to be carrying the virus? The entire travel and hospitality industry is going bankrupt for nothing? Then why don’t we invite for example Americans to come to Europe and be cured, if that is how things work?

It is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard and reminds me of something Donald Trump might say.

The ignorance, even after almost seven months, about how this virus spreads is breathtaking.

Unfortunately, we arrived back at the hotel too late for me to start packing and making my way back to Berlin, and tomorrow I will be spending most of the day in my hotel room for the webinar, which I absolutely do not want to miss, so I have to be stationary all day.

I will then decide whether I go back to Berlin after that, tomorrow evening, or whether I stick it out, wear my mask and my visor, try to ignore what others do or don’t do, make as little conversation as possible, and skip lunch on the boat on Saturday if it is as cramped and stuffy as it was today.

Seeing the North Sea was going to be the other highlight for me, so part of me is reluctant to skip Saturday’s programme. The other part feels I am already making a big mistake by being here.

Others don’t seem to mind catching this disease, and if I knew I would just keel over and die immediately upon being infected, that would be fine, but I really do not feel like going through what others my age are going through for months when they get infected, and then either die or live with horrible after effects for the rest of their lives.

Day three: On this day, I will attend a webinar photography course, organised by artistravel and presented by Martin Timm

I will be missing a trip through “charming villages” (not my thing) to Sieseby, Kappeln and “the Viking city of Schleswig” (definitely not my thing). Happy to be staying in and near my room.

During the morning, it was raining quite a lot, so for the first couple of tasks, I “recycled” some of the photos taken the day before (above). Here are some of the rest:


After the course, I went out to investigate the location of the nearest bus stop and took my camera with me:

And now I have tempted fate long enough. Am returning to Berlin tomorrow (Saturday). Missing this:

Tag 4 Amrum and Hallig Hooge

Loads of nature, tour of Amrum (to which I hope to return in December for this course:

By sea to Hallig Hooge, Königspesel, Hallig Museum, Wadden Sea protection station on Hanswarft, Wadden Sea National Park.

Day 5 Eckernförde and return

Eckernförde, lunch, and a last glimpse of the sea.

The distancing and hygiene rules we had been sent/promised prior to the trip – and I stupidly believed they would be complied with:


  • Intensive Reinigung des Busses vor Antritt Ihrer Reise, besonders an allen Kontaktflächen, wie Haltegriffen, Knöpfe, Armlehnen und Kopfteile
  • Sie reisen in einer kleinen Gruppe von 26 Personen, so dass ausreichend Platz im Bus vorhanden ist
  • Ihr Reisegepäck wird ausschließlich vom Busfahrer verladen
  • Mund-Nasen-Schutz zum Ein- und Aussteigen und während der Fahrt, wenn ein Mindestabstand von 1,5 m nicht eingehalten werden kann (ausgenommen sind Personen, die in einem gemeinsamen Haushalt leben) – für Notfälle hält der Fahrer einige Einweg-Mund-Nasen-Schutzmasken bereit
  • Auf nicht kontaktfreie Begrüßungsrituale (Händeschütteln etc.) ist zu verzichten. Wir schenken Ihnen lieber ein Lächeln!
  • Vor Betreten des Busses bitte die Hände desinfizieren. Beim Fahrer und auch auf dem WC steht Desinfektionsmittel bereit
  • Nach jeder Beförderung werden die Kontaktflächen vom Busfahrer desinfiziert
  • Um eine erhöhte Luftzirkulation im Bus zu gewährleisten werden vermehrt Pausen eingelegt
  • Zu Beginn der Fahrt erhalten Sie noch einmal eine ausführliche Einweisung durch den Fahrer


  • Das Tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes ist nicht verpflichtend, auf den Fluren oder auf dem Weg zur Restaurant empfehlen wir dies aber für Ihre eigene Sicherheit
  • Das Frühstück wird Ihnen nach Ihren Wünschen vom Servicepersonal zusammengestellt
  • Für das Abendessen erhalten Sie eine Auswahlkarte
  • 10 Personen aus verschiedenen Haushalten dürfen an einem Tisch sitzen


  • Die Kapazität der Schiffe wurde um 50% gesenkt, so dass ausreichend Platz vorhanden ist und der Mindestabstand von 1,5 m eingehalten werden kann
  • Mund-Nasen-Schutz muß beim Betreten/Aussteigen und beim Bewegen auf den Schiffen getragen werden. Bei entsprechendem Abstand, Draußen und am Tisch darf der Mund-Nasen-Schutz abgenommen werden
  • Bei den Rundfahrten auf Amrum und der Hallig werden die Gruppen nochmals geteilt, so dass auch hier ausreichend Platz zur Verfügung steht.

The Buddy Bears are back in Berlin – this time in Tierpark

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Opening ceremony of the Buddy Bear exhibition in Tierpark Berlin 2 July 2020.

Despite Andreas Knierim’s repeated pleas, not many made any attempts at keeping any kind of distance.

Afterwards, I of course went for a walk in my favourite zoo. Tickets have to be bought online, in advance, for a predetermined time slot.

Tempodrom and surroundings 30 June 2020

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On the way there, traces of the old Berlin Customs Wall in Stresemannstraße.


Clostest neighbours of interest: Anhalter Bahnhof and Berlin Story Bunker, also see

Between Tempodrom and Landwehrkanal is a small park.

Macro Photography Meetup Number 2

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We were here:

Walking the Berlin Wall, Continued

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Equipped with facemasks, I am taking up where I left off here: I will no longer follow the book meticulously but rather choose routes where I can get to the starting point and return from the end point using as little public transport as possible, and especially avoid the U-Bahn which is probably a virtual cesspool at the best of times.

23 February – Tour Number 23 in the book – from Schillingbrücke to Checkpoint Charlie

Photos from the (now invisible) border on the Spree to be added later.

18 June – Tour Number 13 in the book – from Groß Glienicker See to Sacrow

The walk started at the northern end of Groß Glienicker See where some remnants of the wall can be seen.

Not very far along is the Alexander Haus.

Onwards along the western shore of the lake, where it soon became apparent that blocking access to Berlin’s waterways is legal – to my surprise.

I therefore had to make a slight detour through streets with lovely villas in Groß Glienicke, before reaching the southern end of the lake and turning towards the Havel, through forest empty of other droplet-spewing humans.

Wooden houses seem to be coming back in fashion.

There is also, supposedly, a “Skulpturenpfad”, but I only came across two sculptures.

Almost at the Havel, I came across this confusion. I have seen several examples of this, and I hope some day to discover what the secret is. Perhaps something to do with the original “Hinterland Mauer”? I don’t know.

After that, what followed was a long, rather uninteresting walk along the road (which runs along the Havel, more or less, to Sacrow, except you cannot actually see the waterway from the road). There were, however, some points of interest: Memorials for people who died trying to escape from the GDR. The first one you get to is for Rainer Liebeke.

The next one is for Lothar Hennig.

And the third one, right by the so-called Potsdamer Wassertaxi – and I will get back to that, and not in a good way – is for Erna Kelm and Lothar Lehmann.

Before getting to that last stop, a visit to the Heilandskirche which I had previously only seen from the world heritage cruise.

I had decided to walk the first bit of the next tour in the book as well, and finish with the water taxi (which turned out to be a joke) from near Heilandskirche to the Wannsee side. At the Heilandskirche stop, there is a time-table indicating the Potsdamer Wassertaxi runs daily, but it turns out that it only runs on weekend. A fact I realised when calling them and getting a voice-mail message after having waited for half an hour. Therefore, do not plan on using them during the week. You might get horribly stuck. Potsdamer Wassertaxi is totally unreliable.

For the continuation, I will skip this experience altogether and pick up on the Wannsee side.

8 May

Part of tour No 16 in the book, starting at Checkpoint Bravo.

A short walk from Checkpoint Bravo , with a detour across Waldfriedhof Zehlendorf  to Berlepschstraße.

Macro Photography Meetup No 1

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On 21 June, we were here:

First, I took these two photos just to see what else a 35 mm macro lense can do:

More “Weiß Fotografieren” from my home

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My Corona diary – Beating COVID19 boredom

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Things I can photograph without leaving home, on walks in the neighbourhood, and more recently also on longer outings away from home.

17 June (I lied in the previous update – THIS is the last update)

Still no reply from neither Schön & Sever nor Cresco Capital Group or Cresco Real Estate or whatever they are called to questions about the scaffolding, which should have been removed end winter/early spring, as described earlier. My latest e-mail was sent 7 April and re-sent a couple of weeks later. You would think they had had time to respond. But obviously not the will.

One of my first photos taken with the Sigma 150-600, at 600 mm and heavily cropped. I have to work on getting sharper photos, but with this lens I am not sure this will ever happen. Some in the excellent Facebook group Canon 90D Owners By Michael The Maven suggest that the focus is off and the lens needs to be calibrated. So that is another thing I need to look into. Talk about lifelong learning.

15 June (last update)

Two visitors for dinner. So that was three different households around the same table. This is probably not even allowed, but I have lost track.

The excuse for getting together for a meal was to watch this video stream together: One of the visitors, Berlin born and bred, is a fan of Inger Christensen. Go figure.

Anyway, here are a couple of the recipes:

This is the last post in my Corona Diary. I reckon life, for most people my age and older, is going to be like this until there is a vaccine, if that ever happens. Although I do know quite a few people around my age who are seemingly not taking this disease seriously and who do not seem to mind getting infected, with all the reported suffering that that would entail. Personally, I am still determined to die of something other than COVID19.

No volunteering in neither UNICEF nor Tierpark.

No concerts, movies, operas, or theatres (even when it all becomes possible, I would not enjoy it, and wearing a mask during such performances is for me not an option).

Staying indoors on weekends (too many droplet-spewing people, and now also tourists, around).

The occasional lunch and dinner with one, max. two, visitors? I am not sure. Most people are very careless and the thought of catching this disease does not scare even people my age. My last two visitors had been out and about all day before arriving at my place, and they did not even have masks with them. They also thought me wearing a mask while handling food and cooking was as a joke. I personally would never consider eating food cooked by someone without a mask on. Hysterical? Perhaps, but when I read about the suffering people my age and older have to go through if they are infected, I REALLY do not want to catch this virus.

Reading, studying photography (and German – YAWN!), trying to keep fit with the help of youtube, and – during the weekdays, walks further afield avoiding areas full of heavy-breathing, droplet-spewing joggers most of whom refuse to wear masks and refuse to do anything at all to keep a distance, although they should be keeping a much bigger distance than everybody else.

Trying to enjoy the summer on my balcony, despite the scaffolding, the construction noise, also on selected Saturdays, occasionally completely infernal, and the loud shouting among the workers which, despite many complaints, starts at 06.00 and wakes up everyone in the adjacent buildings.

The scaffolding has been there for over a year now. Initially, we were told it would last six to eight months. Instead, I see a second summer partly ruined. Also, it steals light which would have been valuable in the autumn and – especially – in the early spring this year during lockdown. For a second summer, I also do not have the option to keep the balcony door open overnight, which used to be a luxury, letting cool air in without the traffic noise from the street.

And noone will tell us how long it will still last. Both our Administrator, Schön & Sever, and the construction manager, Cresco Real Estate, refuse to answer questions about it.

I am signed up for this trip at the end of July:, organised by Tagesspiegel and M-tours Live Reisen GmbH. The Kiel Canal is alledgedly the world’s busiest man-made waterway. We have just received details of a very thoroughly and well thought through hygiene and distancing measure and rules, so I am definitely going, and am really looking forward to it. I do not hail from a seafaring nation for nothing ;-).

I am also signed up for this course in December, and unless there is a “second wave”, I will run that risk, simply because I love the North Sea coast, have never been to Amrum, have not seen the sea for over a year, and last but not least – Martin Timm’s courses are so enjoyable.

Facemasks obligatory in shops and public transport till further notice.

12 June

Taking a taxi in Berlin: Only via an app, face masks obligatory, plastic curtain between front and back seats, and only contactless payment, also via the app.

11 June

Mauerpark murals and more.

9 June

Visit to Tierpark Berlin

Despite signposting being notoriously poor, and now worse than ever (does not reflect reality at all, and neither does the map they give you at the entrance), Tierpark Berlin is still my favourite zoo. These days, a visit can only take place with an online ticket, and in a pre-determined, four-hour time slot, which puts you under considerable time pressure, given its size, especially if you also want to put in a pitstop for coffee, let alone lunch.

Europe’s biggest landscape zoo, it covers 160 hectares and has over 9.000 animals. In comparison, Berlin Zoo covers 33 hectares with room for almost 20.000 animals. (As far as I remember, Copenhagen Zoo, for example, is 11 hectares). Do the maths. If you want to see as many animals as possible within one half-day visit, I’m afraid you are better off visiting Berlin Zoo until everything is back to normal. But if you also like to feel like you are going for a walk in the forest, and occasionally seeing an animal or two, and feeling that no matter how many times you visit, you will never get to find your way around (a feeling exacerbated by the poor signposting) or see every corner, then Tierpark Berlin is the place for you. And if you go straight to the other end – to the area also known as “the mountain”, you will meet no or very few people.

The restaurants are open. I had lunch in Restaurant Patagona which has a large terrace overlooking parts of what is known as the pampas. Inside, face-masks are obligatory whenever you are not seated at your table. At the entrance, guests are required to disinfect their hands (liquid available) and fill in a piece of paper stating name, address, date of birth, phone number, and date and time of visit.

In any case, I enjoyed being back, albeit now as a visitor and not as a volunteer. If and when my previous volunteering jobs (with UNICEF in the Philharmonic and the Flugshow in Tierpark) start up again, I will only appear after a vaccine has become available, and I am among the pessimists in that regard: I don’t think that will happen in the foreseeable future. Therefore, I am still looking for alterntives, something I can do from home or from somewhere within walking distance from my home, which does not involve being among hordes of people.

8 June

Still catsitting. Still “Weiß Fotografieren”.

Staying in today. No matter how normal life seems when you venture outside, and no matter what the authorities say we can now do, it does not change the fact that Corona is still out there, and each time you venture out into the big bad world, you expose yourself to possible contagion. And reading about the suffering a lot of senior citizens have to go through with this disease, I am still determined to stay out of those statistics.

6 and 7 June

I walked back to my own place both days to attend an online course “Weiß Fotografieren” with artistravel. (See next post). This was my first webinar – actually first time using zoom – and it worked like a dream. I see many advantages in conducting courses this way. Also great to see Martin Timm and Benedikt Ziegler again. Martin is a joy, as a teacher and as a person.

Full moon the night between 5 and 6 June.

5 June

Another within-walking-distance destination, and on the way I saw this sculpture:

I have not been able to find anything about it. I think it was in Hosemannstraße, perhaps on the corner of Ostseestraße, but I did not pay much attention as I did not think it would be difficult to google. I can’t even find the institution, only one by the same name in Mitte. I have trawled this list, which is a very impressive collection, but it is not there.

EDIT: It turns out that the building is actally a ballet school. That must be one of Berlin’s best kept secrets. The sculpture is by Veronike Hinsberg:

On to my first gallery visit since lockdown. At Sexauer Gallery this group show is on till 8 August.

Also seen on this morning’s walk:

4 June

Walk to and around Weißensee

Since I am lodging within walking distance these days, I thought I would finally take a walk around Weißensee, through Ernst Thälmann Park and up Greifswalder Straße to Denkmal der Antifascistischen Widerstandskämpfer. Lunch at Milchhäuschen.

From the cats’ balcony – I can’t make up my mind which I like best:

2 June

Visit to a lesser known memorial – Mahnmal Ehemalige Wehrmachterschießungsstätte Ruhleben Murellenberg.

I recently read about the book Totentanz Berlin by Helmut Altner, Berlin Story Verlag, in which this place is allegedly described. Since I am trying not to buy any more printed books, I had to go and see for myself 😊.

But first, as a bonus, passing the grounds of the Olympiastadion from 1936, I saw that the viewing platform in the bell tower was open. I was the only visitor there.

And yes, you can see the TV Tower even from way over on the other side of Berlin.

And then on to the memorial consisting of 104 traffic mirrors leading towards and adjacent to the site where between 12 August 1944 and 14 April 1945, the Wehrmacht executed more than 230 people, mostly for desertion or conscientious objection. The memorial is by the artist Patricia Pisani.

After you pass the stadium and the entrances to Waldbühne, turn right by the first mirror, and soon you will see a long stairway going down into a sort of valley (unfortunately, you will have to climb an even longer stairway going back up later on). Just follow the mirrors til you get to where there are mor of them in a cluster. That is apparently next to the actual place of execution, which is not accessible to the public.

Some of the mirrors have texts on them, some not.

More information on the area.

1 June

I am thinking of ending this diary. I reckon the way my life is now is pretty much the way it will be till there is a vaccine, and that could last a very long time.

I had forgotten a few things when I packed for Prenzlauer Berg, so I walked home and passed this mural on the way. I very much think it depends what your gut tells you.

31 May

Internally Displaced. Catsitting in Prenzlauer Berg. Here is 18-year-old Alma still fit as a fiddle.

Arriving at the cats’ place made me realise – again – how we all live in different worlds. Unlike at my place, where you find sanitising liquid and/or tissue in every room, and a drawer full of different types of masks in the entrance way, there is no evidence of any of that being used here. Despite the fact that the couple have been going out to work all along, by public transport every day all through lockdown. They are quite a bit younger than me and obviously belong to the segment that does not understand why people of my age group REALLY do not want to catch this disease. I had brought my own, and immediately wiped down all door handles . I never thought I would find myself doing something like that and felt quite OCD-ish :-).

30 May

First visitors since New Year’s Eve, AND first café visit (apart from one take-out coffee a couple of weeks ago). Ahmed and Omar came for brunch (home-made waffles, salads, ice cream ….) and a walk to Engelbecken, and a drink at Café am Engelbecken (life on the wild side). (Photos taken with my smartphone).

29 May

Some more photos taken with my new toy:

And later attempting macro with the 24 mm “pancake” and testing a couple of other lenses on the view from my bedroom:

Canon 50 mm “nifty fifty”

Canon 10 to 18 mm @18 mm
Canon 17 to 55 mm @17 mm
Canon 24 mm “pancake”

28 May

The up-side of a courrier service pretending “you were not home” and then delivering your parcel miles away is that you get to put your 15.000 steps in in areas you have not yet, or very rarely, visited, and to see a building actually built where you once considered buying a flat based on floor plans and computer-generated drawings.


I once considered buying a flat here, based on floor plans and computer-generated drawings. I have never before seen the buildings actually built.

And here is the first photo taken with my new baby – Sigma 150-600 mm:

27 May

I am all for masks being mandatory in shops and public transport, and I also wear them if I have to pass through areas that to me are a bit too crowded for comfort, but I must admit that in these summer temperatures, wearing them is truly a pestilence.

26 May

Uh-oh. I have not been missing this blott on my view. Perhaps when I receive my Sigma 150-600 mm I will be able to portrait the tourists in it – warts and nose hairs and all.

25 May

Another rainy day

Update on what is now allowed and what is still not allowed

Most importantly, masks are obligatory in all shops and in all public transport.

This is quoted directly from Tagesspiegel today, via google translate, unedited:

According to the containment regulation, which is valid until June 5 in the current version, Berliners are still required to “reduce contacts to other people to an absolutely necessary minimum.” And even if it gets warmer and the parks lure: big meetings are still prohibited.

Members of two households are allowed to meet – no more

Specifically, only members of two households may continue to meet, always at a distance of 1.5 meters from household to household. This rule does not apply to life partners and children for whom you have custody and access rights. This means, for example: Two large shared apartments may meet, but not three friends who live in three one-room apartments.

In the park, other groups are five meters away, barbecuing in the park is prohibited. In addition, in the private sector, only events that are “required for imperative reasons” are still permitted - for example, the regulation says, weddings, funerals. Up to 20 people can be present there. The care of people in need is also permitted.
Demonstrations are allowed from Monday with up to 100 participants if they take place outside. 50 participants are possible in closed rooms. Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) has announced that full freedom of assembly may be restored in June if necessary. Religious and religious events, such as services, can continue to be held with up to 50 people. Anything beyond that is prohibited.
Unlike restaurants, bars, betting shops and casinos are still not allowed to open. The same applies to clubs, theaters, concert halls and cinemas. The only exception: drive-in cinemas.
Prostitution is prohibited: "The provision of sexual services with physical contact is prohibited," says the regulation.

When it comes to sports, the situation is somewhat confusing: at the moment sports facilities that are outside and that meet a number of requirements are allowed to open.
Sports groups can be a maximum of eight people, changing rooms must remain closed, and of course the following applies: 1.5 meters away.

This means that some sports are completely eliminated. Fitness and yoga studios are closed. The Senate plans to advise on sports and health studios next week. It could start again in late May and early June.

24 May

A grey and rainy, and surprisingly windy, day.

There are some tiny yellow flowers on my balcony. I don’t know what they are. They are from a little bag of mixed seeds which are supposed to produce an abundance of insect-friendly flowers. These are the first ones to bloom. And as usual, I am unable to get sharp photos of them.

23 May

As mentioned in my post earlier this month, I am looking for a dog since, if I choose to go on living, it will be a completely different way of life from now on. In that regard, I have just had a great disappointment. I found a rescue dog whose description I really liked, and which had just arrived in Berlin from a shelter in Hungary, through an adoption agency who shall remain unnamed. I talked to them, and agreed on meeting the dog at her current “Pflegestelle”.

We had a nice walk in a nearby park, and the lady told me a lot about the dog’s progress since arriving in Berlin. I liked the dog even more after meeting her than based on photos and description. This was on Wednesday, and the lady wanted to deliver the dog to me on Saturday (today) around mid-day. She also said it would be good to have a professional trainer there when the dog arrived at my place.

Given the short notice, I went home and immediately contacted the two trainers I had already contacted earlier, both of whom live near me, and made sure that at least one of them would be able to be there when the dog arrived.

The next day, Thursday, the adoption agency told me it would be better to wait a couple of weeks before introducing a trainer. Which I then communicated to both trainers and said I would contact them in a foreseeable future.

Friday afternoon I went shopping in an animal food and equipment shop, and drew up the obligatory dog insurance, and late Friday evening, the agency changed their mind and informed me by e-mail that the dog would not be handed over the next day after all.

I will learn to love again, but I am not setting myself up for this kind of experience again. And those two trainers must think I have lost my marbles. I am beginning to understand why most Germans assume everybody is untrustworthy until otherwise proven. The way I was brought up, it used to be the other way around.

Am I still looking for a dog? Definitely not a rescue dog – I just don’t trust those people any more. But if anybody knows of a dog whose owner is no longer able to take care of it, I would still be very interested.

21 May

“Pea flowers” (Lathyrus) adorning the netting that surrounds that monster scaffolding, which makes the balcony seem a lot smaller and more claustrophobic than it actually is. It also steals a couple of hours of sunlight from our balconies. In a time where light in and around one’s own home is more important than ever. The scaffolding was supposed to have come down in March/April. Instead, I fear another whole summer is more or less ruined by it.

Neither our Hausverwaltung nor the company in charge of the renovation (Cresco Group, are answering questions about it.

20 May

Enjoying the sunrise or keeping an eye on my balcony? Every spring and summer, starting in March, is a fight between the pigeons and me – or rather, the plants on my balcony which seem to offer several ideal nesting places.

A stone?? What for?

As flower shops were allowed to stay open all along, I have gotten into the habit of always having fresh flowers at home, to have something pretty to look at, and immobile motives to play around with.

19 May

Day six of not leaving my home, the longest I have gone during this isolation. Almost afraid of going out now :-), and also completely lacking the energy, but I really do need to do some shopping.

The view from my bedroom window, taken with the Canon EF-S 24 mm, in colour, and in B&W. I can’t make up my mind which I like best:

18 May

I am sick and tired of hearing how masks do not protect the wearer and that young people have to wear them in order to protect vulnerable senior nuisance citizens, and young people then blaming us for these infringements on their lifestyle.

Would it not make more sense to simply produce enough of the type of mask that does protect the wearer? Alternatively, give us that little pill to take? Nobody wants to live like this and be alternatively patronised and reviled purely based on our age.

Determined not to figure in the statistics as a careless burden on the health care system, I have now stayed at home since Wednesday afternoon, this time around. If I get infected, it will be by somebody who has been a lot less careful than I am, so why are we not able to purchase masks that protect OURSELVES as well as others? That way, we would not have to dodge all those who refuse to wear masks (which is actually mandatory in shops and public transport here) and who are not even trying to keep a distance, nor would we be expected to be eternally grateful to those who do wear masks and respect the distancing rules.

That was today’s rant. Please may I go to the supermarket today?

Thyme and cress (with bokeh for which I reluctantly have to thank the cars in the yard) in bloom on my balcony.

15 May

These are SO good. Especially eaten in little bits together. And that is almost healthy – right?

14 May

Lupine. A very common outdoor plant when I was a child, but already back then there was – to me – something old-fashioned and retro about them. I don’t think I have ever had them in a vase indoors before.

Now all I need is the dog:

And a visitor:

12 May

After three days in splendid isolation in my home and – not least – on my balcony, I met up with Ahmed for a walk in Volkspark Rehberge and round Plötzensee.

10 May

The big news (to me at least) is that I have started to look for a dog to adopt or buy.

Often tempted, I did swear never to get a pet again, both due to the commitment and the heartache. But now, coming to terms with the “new normal” and realising that, at my age, it will be a very long time before I can again take up most of the activities that used to fill my day – if ever – I can focus more on what I also like – long walks, in cities but also in nature, and there is so much of that in and around Berlin. For that, it would be lovely to have a canine companion, and the more dog-training tutorials I watch, the more I feel like dedicating a lot of time to working with a dog. I would very much welcome a rescue dog.

The “problem” is that I am partial to large dogs, for example the German Shepherd type dog, and both breeders and shelters are quite strict about – or rather against – large dogs in flats without a garden or a fenced-in back yard for the dog to run around in, so I probably have to look for a more medium-sized dog.

I have already found two different dog trainers who are available even in times of Corona, and both live in my area. One of them right nex to me.

I am currently not interested in adopting directly from a shelter in Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain or Italy, although that is quite common here in Berlin. I would prefer a dog that has already arrived in Berlin, the I can actually meet, who can meet me. Other than that, it does not have to be a puppy, and definitely not a pure-bred.

Watch this space  ……

9 May

For a couple of hours I was convinced it was Sunday (since it’s all a blur, but how could I have skipped Schuman Day??), so made me a Sunday brunch. Pan-fried green asparagus, olive oil, fresh-pressed orange juice reduced, chili flakes, eggs, feta, salt, pepper, pea shoots, coriander, rucola …..

8 May

Ventured further afield. Details are here:

7 May

Allowed and not allowed in Berlin:

As from 15 May, cafés and restaurants may open (following the distancing and hygiene standards) till 22.00 hrs. Buffets not allowed. On-line reservation is a must and data must be kept for four weeks.

Hotels may open for guests from 25 May, but without breakfast buffet..

As from Saturday this week, all shops may open, regardless of size, with no more than one customer per 20 square m at any one time. All types of beauty treatments are also allowed from that day on, as long as everyone can still wear masks.

Citizens from one household my now meet with more than one person from outside that household, for example an entire other household, not only in public spaces but also at home.

The March regulation, according to which Berliners were only allowed to leave their home for grocery shopping, fresh air and exercise not too far away, has now been relaxed as long as the minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other people is observed.

However, the Berlin Senate still urges citizens to keep contacts with other people other people to an absolutely necessary minimum.

Museums, memorials and galleries have been allowed to open again since 4 May, as long as they comply with distancing and hygiene rules.

Operas and theaters are closed until at least 31 July . Large cultural and sporting events with more than 5.000 participants remain prohibited until 24 October, and events with more than 1.000 participants until 31 August.

Demonstrations with up to 50 participants are “generally approved” as long as hygiene and distancing rules are observed.

Attending church service with up to 50 participants has been possible again since 4 May.

Baptisms, weddings and funerals for up to 20 people have been possible since 22 April. The prerequisite is that the distancing regulations can be observed and an attendance list is kept, containing first and last name, full address and telephone number. The list is to be kept for four weeks and handed over to authorities on request.

Returning travellers arriving from other countries at Berlin airports and by land must report to the health authorities and observe a two-week quarantine.

Violations will be punished as follows:

Not keeping the distance of 1,5 meters: between 25 and 500 euros.

Walking in groups of three or more who are not part of the household: between 25 and 250 euros.

Failure to comply with an ordered domestic quarantine: between 250 and 2.500 euros.

Holding unauthorised events: between 500 and 2.500 euros. Participants between 25 and 500 euros.

Accommodating tourists: between 1.000 and 10.000 euros.

6 May

An early morning visitor.

Muffins and a walk with a friend where Kreuzberg meets Mitte, and for a couple of hours, life seemed almost normal. Or what we used to consider normal.

And it’s a full moon again:

5 May

Went to Engelbecken because news of this year’s five cygnets had reached me. I only managed to catch a glimpse of them almost hidden under mom’s wing, but took some photos of some of the other animals there.

A dramatic evening sky.

3 May

Ruccola. Actually prettier than those highly cultivated plants that are purely for decoration, I find.

2 May

Time to do a bit of scanning and reminiscing, so here are some very old photos.

1 May

Getting arty-farty with a lamp, a glass, a wall, and a dry rosé.

30 April

I have said it before and will say it again: A place to step outside, anytime day or night, where you can sit and watch the clouds float by and stop your thoughts from racing, safe from viruses, and – at other times – reckless drivers, ought to be considered a basic human right.

Kadhi Pakora (I know – terrible photo)

For a few moments , an unusual light while the sun was setting and it was raining. Here is the same view with two different focuses (foci?).

29 April

28 April

26 April

25 April

Went back to Urbanhafen to practise photographing swans in flight. Far too many joggers, and they do nothing to help keeping any kind of distance, although they – with their heavy breathing – should stay even more than two meters away from everybody.

Anyway, not particularly happy with the photos, so there is room for improvement, which is just as well, since there is at least another four months to go before I can start turning back to the activities that used to fill my days and evenings.

A bit of street:

And a bit of nature:

24 April

First of all, if anybody in Berlin sees this, please do not forget about this collection: Please keep your eyes out for memorabilia suitable for inclusion, and take a photo and submit it. Alternatively, please let me know where to find it.

Insect extinction is a sad fact. Hardly any insects find their way to the rather large lavender plant on my balcony.

23 April

It will be a while before I master macro photography, but I love my Canon 35 mm macro. Here, a rare visitor.

22 April

Ventured out to look for a specific mural at Urbanhafen. Took this photo on the way:

Berlin Stadtmuseum has a great project: I am submitting the below photo to them.

Thanks to Wieland Giebel for the discovery.

The weather was beautiful, and Urbanhafen was as full of people as ever, nobody observing any of the guidelines, so I quickly took the photo and hurried back to my perch, taking just this one photo on the way back along the Landwehrkanal:

21 April

My attempt at adding some structure to the day. To-do list and list of things I must/should do each day.

19 April

An extra-curricular, non-scheduled, “non-essential” walk along the Landwehrkanal.

18 April

17 April

One of two weekly getting-out-of-the-cage-to-go-grocery-shopping days. Took Mr Canon and his Nifty Fifty with me. Finally managed to procure two masks. I wish they would make them mandatory on public transport and in supermarkets (as long as it is emphasized that they should be used along with the current distancing and other rules so as not to give a false sense of security). If nothing else, it serves as a constant reminder to keep the required distance and to not touch your face.

Taking random photos is probably not considered an essential reason to go out, but nobody stopped me for lingering.

16 April

No animal was harmed in the making of this photo. It was dead when I found it. I swear.

15 April

This afternoon, most of the current restrictions were extended till 3 May. That is probably wise. Shops up to 800 sq m may reopen. E-mails are already coming in from art galleries that they are reopening. Keep calm and carry on. Masks on public transport strongly advised but not mandatory. Hairdressers may reopen, but I think I will wait a while, having just bought an arsenal of hairbands to keep my hair relatively in place.

14 April

It is guess-a-macro time again. Solutions will follow at the end of the day.

It was grocery shopping day (EXCITING!) and my favourite flower shop was open when I passed by, so I could not resist treating myself to something pretty to look at at home.

Solutions to the macro photos:

13 April

It is certainly true that cloudy skies make for more interesting photos

If I survive this, I might start a new political party. Platform: Balconies for everybody, asap and definitely before the next pandemic. No flats without a balcony – really ought to be written into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Fish curry

12 April (Easter Sunday, but it’s all a blur)

It is guess-a-macro time again:


After a cloudless day with up to 23 C, the weather started to turn.

11 April

Experimenting with my two new arrivals: Canon 50 mm (the “nifty fifty”), and Canon 35 mm macro. And Lightroom.

10 April

Leftover risotto mixed with egg and fried = brunch

Apparently, pot soil is the new toilet paper. That one I can understand. Obviously, many people now have the time to discover the joy of growing things even on small balconies, which is great. But toilet paper?? Not to brag, but I was using that long before it trended.

9 April

8 April

Colour-coordinated cranes:

7 April

Moon rising.

6 April

5 April

Sunrise, reflected

Honing my emerging voyeuristic skills

4 April

Holding on

And finally, giving in to a craving for lamb and redwine:

Slow-roast spiced lamb

3 April

A bit of entertainment from the get-go.

2 April

Good morning. I still hate you, even though just for a change you are on the neighbours’ balcony and not mine. You are still just a rat with wings, as far as I am concerned, and I would not be surprised if it turns out that you are contributing to the spread of the Corona virus.

1 April

Today’s entertainment: Someone passed by in the street, and a new crane on the block.

It is also guess-a-macro-photo day. As anyone who sees this (if anyone at all) will see, I can’t really get the hang of macro photography, no matter how many tutorials I watch, so if there is an expert out there who would give me a private lesson, post-Corona, I would be very grateful.

And finally, had to go out, and even use public transport for the first time in about three weeks. I could barely contain my excitement, so I took my camera with me.

31 March

30 March

29 March

26 March

23 March

22 March

21 March

When Corona lockdown started here in Berlin, Germany where I live (having retired and moved from Copenhagen to Berlin in January 2016) I suddenly had the time I have been hoping for to devote more time to photography. I ordered the Canon EOS 90D which I had been considering for some time, and started to take photos from my flat on the sixth floor in the area of Kreuzberg which borders on Mitte. Along the way, since there was nothing else to spend money on, I bought some more lenses. The results can be seen above.