I see that I made this the first time in September 2012, and I think I have made it once or twice since then.
Now, having found rhubarb for the first time this year, I will give it a renaissance for tomorrow’s April film-afternoon-followed-by-dinner. Main course will be roast leg of lamb with gorgonzola.
I like to either replace some of the white chocolate with white chocolate with chilli, or to add a chilli, deseeded and halved lengthways, to the syrup for a while while it heats up.
100 g castor sugar
4 tbsp cold water
1 egg
2 egg yolks
200 g white chocolate
275 ml whipping cream
3 gelatine leaves
Soak the gelatine in water.
Melt the chocolate in a ‘bain marie’ till about 30 C.
Boil the water and sugar till 121 C.
Drain the gelatine of the water and dissolve it in the syrup (be careful of the sputter).
Whip the egg and yolks to a froth and pour the syrup into it slowly under constant whipping and keep whipping till it reaches room temperature.
Whip the cream to a light foam.
Turn the chocolate into the eggs and then gently turn in the whipped cream.
I would imagine that a cherry sauce would suit this mousse, but I find that in the rhubarb season, this ‘sauce’ goes particularly well with it:
Dice 100 g rhubarb very finely (cubes of just a couple of mm). Slice 400 g rhubarb, mix with 250 g sugar and ½ vanilla pod and bring it slowly to a boil. Let simmer 10-15 minutes and pass through a finely meshed colander.
Reheat the juice and simmer till it becomes syrupy. Pour it over the rhubarb dice while hot and let it cool off, then refrigerate till ready to serve.