Category Archives: Starters

Marinated tuna with capers and tomato

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(Photo to come)


300 g best quality raw tuna, cut into very fine dice

A handful of chopped coriander (or flat-leaf parsley or dill)

1 heaped tablespoon salted capers, squeezed dry and finely chopped

Juice of one lemon

5 tablespoons olive oil

3 large tomatoes, deseeded, drained and diced finely


Mix all ingredients except the herbs and the tomato, season with pepper, and salt if necessary.

Cover and leave in fridge for at least an hour.

Mix with the chopped herbs and the tomato “concassé” and serve immediately. Molded with the help of four tian rings and garnished with a sprig or two of dill or coriander looks good. Serve with a dollop of the best wasabi paste you can make/buy.