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A couple of notes on Max for those who are still following him in his new life

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I really can’t sing. People run away screaming when I do. I myself feel like running away screaming when I sing. But Max calms down almost instantly and quickly falls asleep when I sing for him. So is that because it really has a calming effect on him, or is it because he thinks – oh no, not those insufferable noises again – if I pretend to be asleep pehaps she’ll stop?

But seriously, perhaps the one major change in Max is that when he moved in on 13 June last year, he had some quite serious leakage problems. More than just the occasional drip. I was told it could be behavioural, and also that it is a common problem in older, castrated dogs. And it could have something to do with his PH values, so his former foster parents passed on some pills, a natural medication, to give him.

I made a mental note to give it some time and if it did not improve, I would have him properly examined, which I think would be the first time. For example, I don’t think any bloodwork has ever been done.

Over time, the problem became less and less pronounced – he would leak a little bit indoors whenever he got excited about something – and he still is a very exciteable dog although less so by the day. And I would spot the occasional drop here and there, now and then.

Fast-forward to now – I am just realising that I had actually forgotten about it. I have not seen as much as one drop anywhere for months! I must be doing something right :-).

Back to Bieselheide sandtrail

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Also see previous post.

Determined to (re-)train Max to use public transport (sorry Max, but it has to be done), which for some reason is more difficult this time around, I took him on the same trip as on Sunday. He loved the area so I hope that if we do that trip regularly for a while, he will end up associating it with a fun and positive experience.

He was even more jittery on the train this time, and I had to keep a firm grip, since a couple of times he suddenly out of the blue lunged and barked at people who were standing completely still. This is new. Up to now, he has had problems with people moving quickly. Never a dull moment.

Anyway, it being Tuesday, there were not as many dogs around to play with as on Sunday but there were a few, and Max was in his element. This time, we walked a bit more in the forest, but he still kept an eye on me most of the time, and at one point where I lost sight of him, he appeared very quickly when I whistled. His recall is really good especially when he is not engaging with new canine acquaintances.

We walked around the small lake Hubertussee this time. I saw a lot of birds there, so I might even go back one day with my real camera and without Max (trying to focus on taking real photos with Max around is still not working – I am not sure it ever will, unfortunately, but we’ll see).

Our route on Mapmywalk here. The walk seems a little bit more tiring than just 8 km, since some of it is in sand which makes it feel a little heavy.

For me a new and unexplored area and for Max a challenging and eventful day

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A long-overdue in-person and in-dog meeting with Yasmina and Robert and their dog Alpha, also half-Podenco.

First, Max and I took the S train from Anhalter Bahnhof to Frohnau. It had been too long since we were last on public transport, so for Max that was almost like a new and, clearly not altogether pleasant experience. He remained relatively calm as long we remained standing, and preferably walking around a bit, but each time I tried to sit, he became more like an unruly horse and even started barking.

When we finally got off the train, we walked down Zeltinger Str. and Schönfließer Str. to the start of the Bieselheide sandtrail where we met the others, and a couple of the their friends and their dog, Iggy.

Except for the short walks to the car with Frank the dogwalker and his two dogs, it was the first time Max walked with other people and other dogs (none of whom he had met before), sometimes on the leash and sometimes off. It all went completely seamlessly, and Max played as well with the two dogs in our group as with random dogs met along the way and as he does with dogs at the dog park. The walks we did with the dogs leashed were also without incident.

Max did act up from time to time barking for either food or my attention but all in all, it was a good day, and Max probably did the most running he has ever done, certainly after I adopted him.

The area is lovely, with an interesting sand trail and a nice little lake, surrounded by forrest.

I was hoping Max would be so tired that he would let me sit down on the train back, but no, and it even took a while for him to calm down after we got home. A sure sign that it had been a day full of new experiences and impressions.

I forgot to start recording the walk on Mapmywalk already at the station in Frohnau, so here is a link to the second part of the walk.

First a video of a less than perfect recall 🙂, and then a couple of photos:

Photography: Personal Favourites 2022 March

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Photobombs in Rostock Zoo May 2019

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