Recent photography course assignment – 1) street art, 2) autumn foliage, and 3) ICM

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A total of five photos to be submitted to Blende2-Hamburg.

Despite the fact that I live in Berlin, with its endless amount of street art, I somehow do not think I will photograph any for this assignment.

As for autumn foliage, I’ll have to wait and see. So far, there is not that much of it around.

But ICM – I have done quite a lot of that, periodically, in recent years, and always find it fun, for a little while, until I don’t, and completely forget about it. But I am always happy when it come up as “homework” in a course.

Below are the results so far (to be continued for another couple of weeks) from which I will have to choose five photos:

Festival of Giant Kites, Tempelhofer Feld, 21 September:

Morning walk at Landwehrkanal/Urbanhafen 24 September:

Visit to Berlin Herbstrummel. Obviously a missing link in my cultural education, although it was a lot like a pre-Christmas fair:

My attempt to make a bundle of “pretty”, pastel-coloured prizes look creepy:

Visit to Tierpark Berlin 7 October:

And finally – an attempt at making a scene look more dramatic – not sure I succeede, plus the odd one out: a multiple-panel with autumn foliage, such as it was, since that was only getting started in Berlin a few days ago:

Birdwatching and other nature photography walks in October

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First, a multiple-panel I made for a photography course where the assignment was fall foliage, before that had really started appearing in Berlin:

5 October Moorlinse with VHS

My second (or third?) participation in this VHS birdwatching walk, led by Rob Crouch. I have also walked that route by myself several times, and once with a friend, since I now know it well, and even with my pathetic orientation skills do not have to bother with maps and am not likely to get completely lost. It is a very diverse walk with lakes, fields and forest.

There were not that many birds in Moorlinse when we got there mid-morning, but one great white egret I had not seen there before.

A bit later, while walking further on, we saw many geese arriving and descending towards Moorlinse, reportedly for a rest before continuing their travel south.

We also saw two herons circling (or were they actually storks?):

By the way, there were also some large caterpillars on the paths. Thank you to Agata for styling one of them for a photoshoot :-).

Stopped for a break at Karpfenteiche before proceeding towards Bogensee:

At Bogensee, I was lucky to get some photos of a great white egret. For a moment, I thought it might be the one from Moorlinse escaping from the onslaught of geese, but after the walk, I went back to Moorlinse and saw that egret still there, seemingly unperturbed by the geese.

Below are the kinds of photos I also find interesting, but I have included some pretty landscape photos above since those are what most people seem to like. (“Pretty” is not my kind of thing. I find most of it quite puke-worthy):

Somewhere along the way, we also saw a cow and a buzzard (the latter actually too far away to be photographed with my slightly limited equipment.

And finally, the view over Moorlinse after the walk:

And this youtube video, and this one.

7 October Tierpark Berlin

It may be a bit of a stretch to categorise a visit to Tierpark Berlin as a nature walk, but there are many different trees, bushes, grasses – in addition to the zoo animals. I went there in search of some ICM photos for the Blende2 assignment. Those will be posted in a separate post. Here are some of the more “normal” photos I took:

9 October NABU Spandau Bezirksgruppe – Vogel(stimmen)wanderung am Neunten, at Großer Spektesee

A super enjoyable walk in the most perfect weather.

Zoo Berlin 23 October (if a visit to Tierpark counts, then a visit to the other zoo also counts :-))

The sunrise as seen from my balcony on 26 October

A walk along Landwehrkanal to Urbanhafen just after sunrise on 27 October

And a photo walk ably organised by DJ in InterNations Photography Group – a very nice event, starting with a cup of good coffee in Mehringdamm, followed by a walk around and to the top of Viktoriapark, and ending with a tasty meal in Mama Rosas Taqueria in Mehringdamm.

Photographed two white flowers on the way there.

Recommending a physiotherapist in Berlin

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Last time I needed physiotherapy, it was a less than positive experience. The first clinic I tried turned out to be totally disorganised, had not joined the 21st century yet (no computers!), so everything from phone numbers/addresses to appointments to notes and journals was scribbled on scraps of paper which were floating around everywhere and appointments were cancelled frequently without notifying me because they could not find my phone number (and of course they were not using something as modern as e-mail – this was about six year ago ……).

The next one I tried I just for some reason did not particularly like, and the sessions were really heavy going to get through. I remember seriously considering skipping the last couple (out of ten) sessions. It has to be said that they seemed competent enough, and I did feel an improvement.

This time, every session was a breeze. Praxis für Physiotherapie near Alexanderplatz was extremely organised in terms of giving out appointments, and the appointments were kept completely punctually. Valentin could not have been more competent, knowledgeable, pleasant, and plainly good company.

I have gone from hating to liking physiotherapy and if and when I need another ten sessions, I will definitely go back there.

Two bird-watching walks this weekend

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One on 28 September with VHS Pankow in Freizeitpark Marienfelde, and one on 29 September, found in Umweltkalender, in Britzer Garten.

I am finding it a little bit strange that they would organise the one tomorrow on the day of the – fiftieth! – Berlin Marathon. For anyone living inside the route, not to mention those who live north of Berlin and somehow have to make it across the city, it might be difficult if not impossible to get there, since many bus routes are suspended and many streets blocked off. (And no, I am not complaining about the marathon like so many others – it is a feast, if you ask me, and it is one weekend each year, so either just stay at home or go out and enjoy the spectacle and stop whining).

Anyway, both walks were very pleasant. In Marienfelde, we saw a heron and a largeish flock of long-tailed tits, as well as a buzzard and a kestrel.

In Britzer Garten, we saw five jays at the same time in one tree, several types of woodpecker and tit, and a sparrowhawk. On my way out I saw a bird of prey being escorted to the nearest exit by two crows.

Festival of Giant Kites 21 September

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With InterNations photography group, on Tempelhofer Feld

In the end, 13 people were signed up. Three of those actually turned up. I will forever wonder what it is in “please do not sign up unless you plan on attending, and if you do sign up and then discover or decide that you are not going to attend, please cancel”, or similar words to the same effect, it is that people do not understand.

Other InterNations members are wondering why I have so few “Contacts” in my contacts list. Apart from the fact that I don’t care about having contacts in InterNations contact list, another reason is that I block no-showers from being able to contact me directly. Sorry.

Anyway, it was a good day out, the weather was perfect, and the number of visitors must have broken all records.

I have a current course assignment asking for ICM photography, so I tried that out while there. The results are in this separate post.

Here are the (too many – sorry :-)) “normal” photos I took:

Random photos from walks in the neighbourhood and beyond, and the sun and the moon in September

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Early morning walk at Landwehrkanal/Urbanhafen 24 September

Brandenburgische Sommerkonzerte – last concert of the season

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The concert took place in Johannische Kirche Blankensee. Philharmonische Orchester des Staatstheaters Cottbus, led by GMD Alexander Merzyn, played Bruckner’s Fifth Symphony. Lovely concert although I am now not sure why at some point Bruckner was one of my all-time favourites.

Before the concert, there was time for a walk in the area.

Ayurvedic barley and lentil curry

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  • 1 cup of barley
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, minced
  • 1 teaspoon of of fresh parsley, minced
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh basil, minced
  • 2 tablespoons of red bell pepper in small slices
  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon of mustard seeds
  • ½ teaspoon of fenugreek seeds
  • ½ teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil


  1. Bring water to a boil. Add barley and reduce to low heat.
  2. Cover and cook for 40 minutes or until water is cooked out.
  3. In a separate frying pan, heat olive oil.
  4. Add mustard seeds; when they begin to pop add cumin and fenugreek and cook for about one minute.
  5. Then add fresh ginger, turmeric and red pepper.
  6. After 3 minutes add the cooked barley. Cook for several minutes and garnish with parsley and basil.
  7. Add salt to taste.

 Learn more about grains — vegetarian powerhouses in Ayurveda. 

First bird-watching walk this season – With VHS Pankow at Späth Arboretum 7 September

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Under circumstances (e.g. 32C forecast for today), I am quite sure we will not see many birds. Also, the leaves still on the trees, I will most likely not be able to get any bird photos, but the walk will be enjoyable anyway.

It is really true that there are fewer birds everywhere, but we did see this Goshawk:

In any case, the Späth Arboretum is always worth a visit, like an third Berlin botanical garden, with an impressive number of different trees and bushes, and a small lake.

The Spät’che Baumschule further has various plant nurseries, as well as a shop with local produce, good coffee and homemade cakes. It is also home to various annual festivals in an idyllic location, a.o. a wine festival with wines from small German wineries, and a Christmas market which is reportedly “Berlin’s prettiest”.

Other photos from the walk:

Sunset on 3 September

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(As seen from my home in Berlin).

The life of a Danish pensioner in Berlin