Why is it always “the eastern Europeans”?

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When it was ‘ethnic Danes’ that for one reason or the other came near ‘our’ shed with the various garbage containers (either because their own were full or in order to sift through the rubbish), it was acceptable, but now that it is (allegedly) ‘eastern Europeans’, it is unacceptable, and we must put a lock on the shed, with the additional bizarre argument that we also don’t want them near our precious cars (which, if you ask me, should not be allowed in the courtyard at all). Dear neighbours in Rymarksgaard and fellow Danes: you make me sick and give me the creeps.

Det ulmende snæversyn og fremmedhad, og de fladpandede fordomme

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Så kom de også til udtryk i ejendommen hvor jeg bor:

En beboer i Rymarksgård foreslår at der bliver sat lås på skuret med affaldscontainere for at forhindre, at ’østeuropæere’ (?) roder i affaldet. Dette må angiveligt stoppes for at forhindre, at de pludselig står ved bilerne og i opgangene og kældrene.
For det første har jeg aldrig oplevet tegn på, at dette ’roderi’ skulle forekomme, så det er vel begrænset, i hvor høj grad det kan genere os andre. For det andet har jeg svært ved at se, hvordan en lås på affaldsskuret skulle forhindre disse ’østeuroæere’ i at få adgang til bilerne (som efter min mening slet ikke burde tillades i gården) og opgange/kældre.
Når jeg en sjælden gang har overvejet at foreslå lås på affaldsskuret har det været for at forhindre såkaldte etniske danskere fra andre ejendomme i lokalområdet i at benytte Rymarksgårds containere, der i forvejen hurtigt bliver overfyldte. En adfærd som flertallet i Rymarksgård til gengæld ikke synes at have problemer med. (Det skal tilføjes, at dette heller ikke er så stort et praktisk problem længere, da vi tilsyneladende er blevet bedre til at begrænse affaldsmængden så containerne ikke så hurtigt flyder over).
Men hvis en lås på affaldsskuret kan beskytte os mod ’østeuropæere’, hvordan beskytter man sig så mod snobber og xenofober?
Den pågældende beboer kunne med fordel melde sig ind i Dansk Folkeparti og dermed få mulighed for at lufte sine fordomme blandt en endnu større koncentration af ligesindede end den vedkommende åbenbart finder i Rymarksgård.

Quiche lorraine

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Quiche Lorraine

(Almost as good as the first Quiche Lorraine on the first trip to Paris?)

1 stor tærteform, foret med mørdej (skal ikke forbages)
Ca. 150 g bacon i tern
5 små eller 4 store æg
3 dl (ialt) af en eller flere af følgende: mælk/fløde 13/piskefløde/crème fraiche
150 g (eller efter smag) revet ost (cheddar, emmenthaler el.lign.)
1 hakket løg
Salt (men husk, at der er salt i både bacon og ost)
Peber, gerne hvid

Derudover kan, alt efter smag og hvad man har, tilsættes en, flere eller alle af følgende:

Revet muskat
1-2 fed hvidløg – finthakket
1 knivspids cayennepeber
1 tsk sennepspulver

Bacon ristes ved middelvarme så det meste af fedtet smeltes af. Ternene fordeles i tærteformen sammen med hakket løg og revet ost.
Æggene (hånd-)piskes sammen og resten af ingredienserne blandes i, hvorefter massen forsigtigt fordeles i tærteformen.
Bages ved 200 grader i 40-45 minutter.


Chocolate parfait

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Chocolate parfait


3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
½ dl boiling water
150 g dark chocolate 70%


4 pasteurised egg yolks
1,5 dl castor sugar
1,5 dl water
3 dl whipping cream
3-4 tbsp brandy

Melt the chocolate over simmering water. Mix cocoa powder and boiling water.

Whip the egg yolks till light and frothy. Heat sugar and water and boil for 4-5 minutes and the add this syrup to the egg yolks, whipping. Continue to whip the mixture over a pan of boiling water until it starts to thicken.

Then let the mix cool while whipping. Add the cocoa mixture and turn in the melted chocolate.

Whip the cream till soft peaks and turn it in with the brandy.

Churn in an ice cream machine.


White chocolate ice cream with chili

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3 dl milk

1 large or two small red chilies, split and deseeded

2 cinnamon sticks

4 large egg yolks

50 g sugar

150 g white chocolate, chopped

3 dl whipping cream


Heat the milk with the cinnamon and chili until almost boiling and leave for at least 20 minutes.

In a bowl which can later be placed over a pan of simmering water, whisk sugar and egg yolks until pale and frothy.

Strain the milk and reheat it.

Add the chopped chocolate to the milk. When the chocolate is completely melted, pour it onto the eggs, stirring all the time.

Heat the mixture over a pan of simmering (not boiling) water for some minutes until it starts to thicken slightly. Chill.

Whip the cream and fold it into the chilled custard. Churn in an ice cream maker.

For a bit more bite, finely chop the chili, or part of it, and add to the ice cream just before churning is complete.

Lemon mousse

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Lemon mousse

5 gelatine leaves, softened in water, melted in a bain-marie and cooled down to lukewarm

3 egg yokes

3 egg whites

125 g sugar

1 tsp grated lemon zest (organic)

1 dl lemon juice (approx. two lemons)

2.5 dl whipping cream

Whip egg yokes and sugar till very light and frothy. Turn into this the lemon zest and juice. Stirring, drizzle in the melted gelatine.

Whip the cream and turn it in.

Whip the egg whites very stiff and turn them in.

Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours.


Chili con carne

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I like to sometimes be able to pull an all-in-one, both savoury and healty, meal out of the freezer that just needs to be heated up. Chili con carne is eminently suited for this, so I always make a huge portion to freeze in small portions for one or two days.


2 kilo beef and pork, ideally finely diced but I usually ‘cheat’ and use minced

1 dl olive oil or duck fat

3 onions, chopped

10 garlic cloves, chopped

2 tblsp paprika

1 tblsp chili or cayenne pepper, or frozen or fresh chili, whichever form you like and have available and in whichever quantities suit you

2 tblsp oregano

1 tblsp roasted ground cumin

8 whole cloves

2 tblsp roasted ground coriander

2 cinnamon sticks

4 bayleaves

16 tomatoes or three tins

500 g cooked red kidney beans

500 g cooked chickpeas

4 stalks celery, sliced

4 green bell peppers, sliced

2 tblsp cocoa powder

1 tsp brown sugar

2 tblsp sherry vinegar

If more liquid is needed: some redwine or stock.

Fry the onion and garlic slowly over medium heat until they start to brown.

Add the paprika and chili and fry for a few seconds, then add the rest of the spices and herbs and fry again for a few seconds.

Brown the meat and add it. Stir thoroughly.

Add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a simmer. Let simmer for at least an hour. Add liquid if needed.


Roasted garlic soufflé

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I used olive oil in stead of butter, and soy milk instead of wholemilk, and I also took the soufflé out of the oven a little bit too early, which all might explain why it is not quite as 'photogenic' as I hoped it would be. It is light as a feather, though, and there is a delicious smell of garlic everywhere ....

I used olive oil in stead of butter, and soy milk instead of wholemilk, and I also took the soufflé out of the oven a little bit too early, which all might explain why it is not quite as ‘photogenic’ as I hoped it would be. It is fluffy and light as a feather, though, and there is a delicious smell of garlic everywhere …. It does not ‘deflate’ or collapse, and leftovers can be reheated gently

3-4 large heads garlic, left whole, plus 4 garlic cloves, crushed

1-2 tblsp olive oil

½ l whole milk

1 medium onion, sliced

3 large thyme sprigs, or mix of thyme, oregano and rosemary

2 bayleaves

1 whole clove

10 black peppercorns

1 green chili, sliced

7 tblsp butter

75 g plain wheat flour

4 large eggs, separated

4 additional egg whites

200-300 g crumpled or grated goat’s cheese (I guess other cheeses such as gruyère and parmesan will do if you do not like goat’s cheese)

1 pinch grated nutmeg

Heat oven to 200°C.

Cut the tips off the whole heads of garlic, place them on a large sheet of foil and drizzle each with 1 teaspoon oil. Wrap them together in foil and bake till very tender, 50 minutes to 1 hour. When they are cool enough to be handled, squeeze the garlic out of the skins.

Meanwhile, bring milk, crushed garlic cloves, onion, herbs, bay leaves, clove, and peppercorns to the boil in a medium saucepan, remove from heat, cover and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

Butter a gratin dish (the one on the photo measures 22 cm x 30 cm and is 7 cm deep) thoroughly  with 1 tablespoon butter.

To start the roux/bechamel, melt remaining 6 tablespoons butter in a heavy medium saucepan and whisk in the flour. Cook over low heat, whisking constantly, 5 minutes.

Strain milk mixture through a fine-meshed sieve, then add to roux, bringing it to the boil, whisking, then simmer, whisking, for a couple of minutes.

Remove from heat and whisk in the eggyolks one at a time.

Whisk in roasted garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, and a pinch of pepper.

Fold in the cheese.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until they stay in the bowl when you turn it upside down. Then stir one-third of the egg whites into the bechamel/yolk mixture to loosen it and then fold in the remaining whites.

Transfer mixture to gratin dish and bake at 200°C for 20 to 30 minutes. It should go quite brown and crisp on top.browned on top.

Serve with a salad or a soup (or both).


Ris à l’amande (or risalamang)

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risalamandeRis à l’amande is – despite the French-sounding name – a Danish dessert traditionally eaten on Christmas Eve. Usually, it is served in a large bowl and each guest helps her- or himself to an unsightly blob with some cherry sauce poured over. I have never found that particularly appetizing, especially after an already rich meal and since the dessert in itself does not have much flavour. I have therefore attempted to add a bit more flavour, and to serve it in a more attractive way. If you prefer the ‘blob’ serving method, just skip the part with the gelatine and tian rings. For a more traditional flavour, use porridge rice instead of risotto rice, sugar instead of marcipan, and halve the amount of vanilla.

When we eat this on Christmas Eve, one whole almond is concealed in the dessert, and the person who gets the almond gets a present.

2 dl risotto rice

1 l wholemilk

2 vanilla pods, quartered lengthwise enabling the grains to be distributed in the porridge.

150 g macona almonds – skins removed – and chopped (not too finely)

5 dl whipping cream

50 g grated marcipan

2 tblsp. Amaretto (almond liqueur) (can be substituted by milk or cream)

5 gelatine leaves

Soak the gelatine leaves in plenty of cold water.


Bring rice, milk and vanilla to the boil and simmer gently, stirring slowly but fairly constantly for about 20 minutes. NEVER turn your back on it! It burns on the bottom easily and if that happens, you have to start over. After about 20 minutes you will have thick porridge and the rice should be done. Transfer the porridge to a large bowl removing the vanilla pods.

In a small pot, heat the amaretto to the point of almost boiling, and take it off the heat. Melt the drained gelatine leaves in it till there is no trace of the gelatine. Mix a large spoonful of the porridge thoroughly into this mixture and then place it back in the porridge, stirring thoroughly.

Add the marcipan and the chopped almonds and let the porridge cool.

Whip the cream to a not too solid foam and mix into the cooled-off porridge, distributing the whipped cream evenly in the mixture.

If you wish, arrange the dessert in the required number of tian rings and leave to set overnight.

Peanut sauce

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Peanut sauce

2-3 dl home-made or store-bought peanut butter, creamy or crunchy, to taste

1 medium red onion, finely chopped

2 slices ginger or 4 slices galangal, peeled and very finely chopped, or grated

Some fresh chili, to taste (or add a dollop of your favourite chili sauce at the end)

3 cloves garlic, very finely chopped

1 tsp shrimp paste

2 tsp palm sugar

2 tblsp fish sauce

2 tblsp soy sauce (superior light)

3 tblsp hoisin sauce

Juice of one lime

½ tin coconut milk

A dollop of your favourite chili paste (see a recipe here: http://www.hellemoller.eu/?p=319), or sambal oelek (see a recipe for a homemade sambal oelek-type sauce here: http://www.hellemoller.eu/?p=645).


Fry the onion, garlic and ginger in olive or peanut oil over medium heat (should not brown) for a minute or two.

Add all the other ingredients and stir, bringing to the boil.

If you want the sauce thinner, add more coconut milk or water.

Keeps in the fridge in an airtight container for a week or two, and can also be frozen, but without the coconut milk. This should be added at the time of serving, while reheating.

The life of a Danish pensioner in Berlin