Tag Archives: Bridge

Opportunities to play bridge in English in Berlin in the first half of 2025

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Last updated: 18 February AM. Will be changed and updated regularly.

During the weeks where for one reason or the other there is no bridge course at VHS, we can play occasionally at my place. Where nothing else is stated, we aim at arrivals from 18.15, ready to start playing at 18.30, but for those who can only come later, that is also OK. We’ll start playing as soon as enough people have arrived.

2025 courses now running:

Course starting Friday 17 January: https://www.vhsit.berlin.de/VHSKURSE/BusinessPages/CourseDetail.aspx?id=725702

Course starting Wednesday 22 January: https://www.vhsit.berlin.de/VHSKURSE/BusinessPages/CourseDetail.aspx?id=743390


The occasional opportunities to play bridge privately in the weeks where VHS is closed, are marked with *** below.

Week 8: Wednesday 19 February VHS 4/10, and Friday 21 February 5/10

Week 9: Wednesday 26 February VHS 5/10, and Friday 28 February 6/10

Week 10: Wednesday 5 March VHS 6/10, and Friday 7 March 7/10

Week 11: Wednesday 12 March VHS 7/10, and Friday 14 March VHS 8/10

Week 12: Wednesday 19 March VHS 8/10, and Friday 21 March VHS 9/10

Week 13: Wednesday 26 March VHS 9/10, and Friday 28 March VHS 10/10

Week 14: Wednesday 2 April VHS 10/10

***Week 15: We can play at my place Wednesday 9 or Thursday 10 April. If the interest is great enough, Friday 11 is also an option.

***Week 16: (Friday 18 April is Good Friday). As far as I am concerned, we can play Thursday 17 or Friday 18, or if there is interest, Saturday 19 or Sunday 20 April.

***Week 17: 21 April is Easter Monday. As far as I am concerned, we can play any day 21, 22, 23, or 24 April.

***Week 18: There can be no bridge at my place, unfortunately.

Week 19: New courses now available for registration: Course starting Wednesday 7 May here, and course starting Friday 9 May here.

The best ways to keep informed are

Comments? Questions? Attending the private bridge evenings a my place but don’t know my address yet? E-mail me here.

Playing bridge in English in Berlin

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Looking for people available and interested in playing bridge regularly.

Please contact me on this e-mail address.