Tag Archives: Museum Barberini

Visit to Das Minsk, Potsdam

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Event posted on internations.org. Three people had signed up, one actually turned up.

Built in the 1970s, in GDR times, Das Minsk was a.o. a restaurant. The recently renovated, important example of GDR architecture, now houses a museum of modern art.

After the visit, though I don’t particularly like Museum Barberini, since it is so close, I decided to take a look at the current surrealism exhibition, which turned out to be tiny – just the one room, so that was a bit of a waste of money (an exorbitant entrance fee).

Apart from the fact that I wanted to see the building housing the new museum, and the person who did turn up for the internations event turned out to be a very pleasant ecquaintance to make, I left Potsdam after a couple of hours with the usual feeling: why did I go?